Saturday, 24 December 2011

Divinity II Ego Draconis NTSC XBOX360-GameStop

Divinity II Ego Draconis NTSC XBOX360-GameStop

Divinity II Ego Draconis NTSC XBOX360 | 5.89 GB
Language: English | Platform: XBOX360 | Publisher: Atari | Release: 01/13/10
Genre: Role Playing Game

InDivinity II: Ego Draconis, players find themselves once again inRivellon, a timeless world full of awe and magic, shattered andfrightened by the apocalyptic wars of the past. No one knows why so manypeople had to give their lives. Everything seems to be over, but thepeace was deceptive, for the demon has returned and the horror onceagain runs its course.
Players begin as a Dragon Slayer, hunters whomtravel the countryside determined to rid their lands of Dragons. As thestory of Divinity 2 ” Ego Draconis unfolds, the player will discovernew abilities and possibilities as they evolve into a legendary DragonLord. In addition, the player characters abilities can be steadilyimproved over the course of the game and specialized in specific areas.The world of Divinity II: Ego Draconis is filled with humans and fantasycreatures, each having special combat abilities. Players will need touse every skill, potion and hidden trick to their strategic advantage toreclaim the lands of Rivellon.

General Features:
Sequelto the award-winning Divine Divinity and Beyond Divinity Role PlayingGames! Following the lineage of these two much-acclaimed RPGs, DivinityII: Ego Draconis has adapted many of the most famous elements that madethese two original games classics. Divinity II: Ego Draconis makes useof the same classless system that was incorporated in Divine Divinity,which allows you to choose your own path as you become a Dragon Knight.
Fightas both a human and a dragon. Dont settle for taming and riding adragon when you can be the Dragon! For the first time, an RPG unleashesthe very power of the Dragon on you! Climb high and vaporize all thatstands in your way as you strategically use both your human and dragonforms to defeat Damian and become the ultimate Dragon Knight!
Dynamicallyunfolding storyline depending on your choices and skills. Divinity II :Ego Draconis gives you a wide range of moral choices when deciding onhow to act on quest objectives. When you make these choices, theconsequences of your actions appear throughout game play. Consequencessuch as up to 20 possible quest solutions, new quest chains, NPCreactions, vendor pricing and other experience-altering consequencesmake Divinity II: Ego Draconis very interesting and engaging.
Useyour powerful Battle Tower as base of operations. Looming like acolossal stone claw over Sentinel Island, stands the Battle Tower, avast citadel built many centuries ago by Maxos, the Dragon Mage. Becomebound to the Battle Tower through a mystical relic known as the DragonStone. The Dragon Stone allows you to teleport to the Battle Tower atany moment so that you can utilize the powers within.
Build your veryown ultimate fighting creature. Conjure the spirits to bring to life acreature made from body parts you have collected during your battles.This creatures power is literally the sum of its body parts; thecomposition of various limbs determines its strengths and abilities.Once you are able to assemble this abomination, you may summon it tosupport you in combat.


Divinity II Ego Draconis NTSC XBOX360-GameStop

Divinity II Ego Draconis NTSC XBOX360-GameStop

Divinity II Ego Draconis NTSC XBOX360-GameStop


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